Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Math Class Was Fun

This is proof that school is more than just learning material. I see school with a better light than most. I understand that when I graduate, I will miss high school so much. My graduation will be filled with tears of sadness, not of joy. Maybe moving onto that next step in life will be fun, but I will still miss the times I had in high school.
Now I only have one year left...
Many pictured above graduated this school year and some I will not be seeing ever again. Some will be missed with a heavy heart, some will only be missed a little because I never really got to know them. This coming year will be different. I will mingle better and learn who people really are when they're not putting up a facade. Maybe those I never imagined would be anything like me will end up my friends, or maybe not. You never know.
This is a picture of my math class this year. Maybe math isn't so bad after all. I mean, do we look like we are having a bad time?

1 comment:

  1. No we look genuinly happy (I know I spelled that wrong but I'm to lazy to typ it up in word). :)
