Sunday, June 10, 2012


Remember those days when you get bored to the point that things like this can happen:
Yea, I know those days pretty well.
I'm one of those people who can get bored easily.
It's actually kinda, no, really sad.
You'd think that Summer would allow me to have more to do.
But, alas, it is not so; and I am bored.
Where's the excitement that you always see in the movies?
I want a little more of that.
Will I get it - no, probably not this year nor next year.
Am I a downer?
I'd like to think of myself more as realistic.

But maybe, just maybe, I am actually both at heart.
I could be realistically a downer.
Haha, no, really.
I'm just bored.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm having a little bit TOO much excitement. In fact I've spent all of 8 days at home in my own bed since the beginning of summer! I'm wishing for a little LESS excitement. Hang in there. Summer is made of a couple fun things thrown between lots of boredom!
