Saturday, December 8, 2012

Casual / Festive Uniform Today At Work

You know it's going to be a good day when you get yelled at for wearing your UNIFORM to work. Haha, I was told to have someone bring me more...festive clothes. So I called up home and my mother brought me my hat, my bells necklace, and my red shirt. (I already had my bells earrings conveniently in) The day has started off really well. Can I end it on this same good note? I sure hope so...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Can You Believe It's December?

Turquoise Cookie Batter

After about half a of a bottle of blue food coloring and two drops of green food coloring, this is the color my best friend and I's cookie batter turned out to be. It looked exactly as it does in this photo. There is no editing done to change or enhance the color of this photo. THIS is how the batter looked.

Stars and Moons - What the Flash Changes

Notice the difference the flash makes on these photos?
The right photo had no flash, but when I did turn the flash on, the left picture is what I got as a result.


Which salad dressing looks better to you?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I already miss the day of my Senior year homecoming dance...not because of the dance or because it's my Senior year, though. I miss it because I got to spend all of that time with this guy and he's the most special and amazing person in my life <3 I love him. I care about him, I love spending time with him, and even if we just sit silently for a couple hours - I walk away glad I got to spend that time by his side.

Friday, August 31, 2012

I Want These Lamps!

So I was at the House on the Rock with my family not too long ago and we saw some lamps that really caught my attention:

These lamps are just so unique and beautiful that I can't help but want one...although I don't believe I would ever like to see a price tag on these - they must be pretty special if they get to be in a special place like the House on the Rock...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm Worried - Stray Kitten

Some stray kitten showed up at our house tonight, it's very scared and extremely vocal. I can hear it from down by our goats in the house with closed windows and it sounds near. I'm really worried about it, so I left some food near where I originally found it, but it did run to the field, so I don't know if it will go back there...even though it has clearly come closer to the house again.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Photo Editing

This is a picture I took with my webcam. It didn't turn out well, but I had an idea.
 I edited the above photo.
Not five minutes later...
The picture below was finished.
Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bambi The (Pygmy) Pygmy Goat

I would like to dedicate this post to a dear friend of mine.
Her name is Bambi and I bottle fed her after her mother abandoned her and her twin brother.
She is stunted, but the friendliest goat I have ever met.
Now she is gone though.
Almost a week ago we adopted three goats that a friend of ours needed new homes for.
We had no idea two of them would start bullying our goats around.
Bambi was hit very hard against the fence three nights ago.
Keep in mind what I said about Bambi being stunted.
She didn't even reach the top of these goat's legs.
In other words, she didn't stand a chance.
Now Bambi is gone and I have lost a dear friend.
All of that time spent with her, making sure she would be able to survive.
It brought life into a beautiful little girl that I'm proud I was able to call mine.
I will miss my Bambi.
My baby.
My now dead and moved on little girl.
RIP Bambi.

Friday, July 20, 2012


You know, I really have no idea why these trees caught my attention. They still have a strange hold on me that makes me wish I remembered where I took this photo. Whether it's the trees' shapes, the area, the way they have so few branches, or just some other reason all-together - I haven't a clue why they attract my attention still. Maybe you will like these trees as well, and for that reason I post this picture. Also, this picture turned out beautifully considering it was taken though my car's windshield.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Life Is Good" Or Is It?

I took this photo because there was a line of firetrucks parked on the side of the road as my mother and I were driving to a baby shower...but now I look at the photo and think of how ironic the vehicle's spare tire cover in front of us is in this situation...

Monday, July 2, 2012


I took a screen shot of my screen when I was on my blogger dashboard. My blogs are doing pretty well...or at least most of them are. The reading along the beaten path one isn't too loved and my desperate for the other side of the fence is not doing well at all...but the rest are doing rather well.
(the bad, the weird, and the unexplained is a shared blog, so i don't really count that one)

Buddy - Adventures In The House!

So about two weeks ago we got a kitten named Buddy. He had some adventures in the house today, which is great because we're not allowed to have indoor cats due to allergies with my older brother and my mom. Take a look, let me know what you think and which picture is the best!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Crazy The Cat

So I decided to post this picture of my little brother's cat, Crazy, on my Randomnessfullcrap - You Can't Beat Me blog instead of this one and now I'm just giving you a link to see it if you would like to.
Here's the link: Crazy The Cat

Just 'Leafy'

Monday, June 25, 2012

Just Me

You know what? That's enough. I don't want to care anymore. I should just be able to be me without having to worry about what others will think. Today I just started to feel bow-legged from horseback riding, but I still went bowling even though I looked ridiculous. Many times before I have said other's opinions don't matter to me anymore, but this time I think it's really true now. I had so much fun not caring anymore, and now that I am freed of those worries, now I can worry instead about the fact that I am possibly in need of some new companionship. My friends seem to be growing distant, something that is making me bitter, so now maybe I should distance myself in order to protect myself from becoming someone I would hate to see in the mirror. The winds are changing and now, so am I.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pygmy Goats

Have you ever heard of a pygmy goat?
They're adorable and very friendly.
Here are two of mine.
Their names are Mike and Molly.
Molly on the left                                               Mike on the right

Monday, June 18, 2012

Family Baking

I love when my family gets together and we bake.
It's so much fun and the results are always delicious.
Hopefully we get some cool weather again soon,
That way turning on the oven won't be so horrible,
And then we can bake until the night grows old again.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Math Class Was Fun

This is proof that school is more than just learning material. I see school with a better light than most. I understand that when I graduate, I will miss high school so much. My graduation will be filled with tears of sadness, not of joy. Maybe moving onto that next step in life will be fun, but I will still miss the times I had in high school.
Now I only have one year left...
Many pictured above graduated this school year and some I will not be seeing ever again. Some will be missed with a heavy heart, some will only be missed a little because I never really got to know them. This coming year will be different. I will mingle better and learn who people really are when they're not putting up a facade. Maybe those I never imagined would be anything like me will end up my friends, or maybe not. You never know.
This is a picture of my math class this year. Maybe math isn't so bad after all. I mean, do we look like we are having a bad time?

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Remember those days when you get bored to the point that things like this can happen:
Yea, I know those days pretty well.
I'm one of those people who can get bored easily.
It's actually kinda, no, really sad.
You'd think that Summer would allow me to have more to do.
But, alas, it is not so; and I am bored.
Where's the excitement that you always see in the movies?
I want a little more of that.
Will I get it - no, probably not this year nor next year.
Am I a downer?
I'd like to think of myself more as realistic.

But maybe, just maybe, I am actually both at heart.
I could be realistically a downer.
Haha, no, really.
I'm just bored.