Saturday, December 8, 2012

Casual / Festive Uniform Today At Work

You know it's going to be a good day when you get yelled at for wearing your UNIFORM to work. Haha, I was told to have someone bring me more...festive clothes. So I called up home and my mother brought me my hat, my bells necklace, and my red shirt. (I already had my bells earrings conveniently in) The day has started off really well. Can I end it on this same good note? I sure hope so...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Can You Believe It's December?

Turquoise Cookie Batter

After about half a of a bottle of blue food coloring and two drops of green food coloring, this is the color my best friend and I's cookie batter turned out to be. It looked exactly as it does in this photo. There is no editing done to change or enhance the color of this photo. THIS is how the batter looked.

Stars and Moons - What the Flash Changes

Notice the difference the flash makes on these photos?
The right photo had no flash, but when I did turn the flash on, the left picture is what I got as a result.


Which salad dressing looks better to you?