Friday, August 31, 2012

I Want These Lamps!

So I was at the House on the Rock with my family not too long ago and we saw some lamps that really caught my attention:

These lamps are just so unique and beautiful that I can't help but want one...although I don't believe I would ever like to see a price tag on these - they must be pretty special if they get to be in a special place like the House on the Rock...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm Worried - Stray Kitten

Some stray kitten showed up at our house tonight, it's very scared and extremely vocal. I can hear it from down by our goats in the house with closed windows and it sounds near. I'm really worried about it, so I left some food near where I originally found it, but it did run to the field, so I don't know if it will go back there...even though it has clearly come closer to the house again.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Photo Editing

This is a picture I took with my webcam. It didn't turn out well, but I had an idea.
 I edited the above photo.
Not five minutes later...
The picture below was finished.
Let me know what you think.